San Yama Bushi - School of Judo and Ju Jutsu
BB#23 Dai Shihan David Colon
BB#1 Shihan Mario Gil
BB#4 Shihan John Bombace
BB#5 Shihan Jose Martinez
BB#19 Shihan Vincent Brusco
BB#24 Shihan Otis Harris
BB#34 Shihan Darlene DeFour
BB#37 Shihan Michael Kelly
BB#46 Shihan Mark Sternefeld
BB#50 Shihan Domenick Dagostino
BB#57 Shihan Jose Alvarado
BB#59 Shihan Lisa Davis
BB#61 Shihan LV Davis
BB#62 Shihan Fabian Yearwood
BB#67 Shihan Jose Garcia
BB#77 Shihan John Stevenson
BB#85 Shihan Reginald Brown
BB#118 Shihan Nicholas Harrison
BB#2 Miguel Ibarra
BB#6 Fred Salzberg
BB#8 Jose A. Negron
BB#17 Mike Donnellan
BB#21 Junior A. Negron
BB#33 Carrol Jackson
BB#74 Kurt Fisher
BB#83 Shaji Velu
BB#93 Jason Toterhi
BB#100 Elvin Santiago
BB#108 Servando Rodriguez
BB#111 John Nathan Ortega
BB#119 Manny Cofresi Jr.
BB#142 William B Wood
BB#7 David Lopez
BB#14 Michael Lanzuno
BB#15 Richard Grosfelt
BB#29 Rick Senior
BB#31 Angel Carrion
BB#52 Wilber Zayas
BB#69 Leroy Parson
BB#84 Thomas Cartwright
BB#121 Jose Guerrero
BB#124 Sergio Degro
BB#125 Jose F. Sanchez
BB#129 Dante Renzi
BB#130 Phil Gass
BB#1 Benny Pagan
BB#3 Robert Galindez
BB#9 Jose VanCor
BB#11 Frank Lammers
BB#12 Jay Bonan
BB#16 Tom Testa
BB#20 Don King
BB#22 Frank Micelli
BB#25 Otis Waterman
BB#26 Joseph Alejandro
BB#27 Anibal Abad
BB#28 George Acevedo
BB#30 Cynthia Thomas
BB#32 Robert Cruger
BB#35 Steven Robbins
BB#36 John Kovacs
BB#38 Carmelo Villar
BB#39 Calvin McGee
BB#40 Julius Carrington
BB#41 Guadalupe Millet
BB#42 Carlos Tellas
BB#43 Kenny Gravilis
BB#44 Walter Zayes
BB#45 Peter Hunce
BB#47 Karem Abdula
BB#48 Magadelen Villegas
BB#49 John Robbins
BB#51 Michael Monteiro
BB#53 Joseph Mezzariello
BB#54 Louis Olivero
BB#55 Marcio Diniz
BB#56 Kahbir Ahmad
BB#58 Gabriel Mancusco
BB#60 Albert Roig
BB#68 Rameal Rashweed
BB#70 Nicholas Philou
BB#71 Felix Vargas
BB#73 Jorge Cabrera
BB#75 Peter McLain
BB#76 Anthony Mirello
BB#79 James Pagliaroli
BB#80 Kenneth Hines
BB#81 Jose Caraballo
BB#82 Benny Sheppis
BB#86 Adam Schlein
BB#87 Lawrence Bytnes
BB#88 George Vatore
BB#89 Daniel Sateriale
BB#90 Tawfig Aziz
BB#91 Jose Rodriguez
BB#92 Dominick Espada
BB#94 Neil Baxter
BB#95 Luis Fernandez
BB#96 Enrique Vargas
BB#97 Jose Ortega
BB#98 Keith Thomas
BB#99 James Hester
BB#101 Harry Parker
BB#102 Hakiym Akbar
BB#103 Ernest Forester
BB#104 Leon Ellis
BB#115 Laquan Burrows
BB#116 Christopher La Briola
BB#117 Robert Adams
BB#120 Jorge Camacho
BB#122 Frank Sawicki
BB#123 Edwin Olivarria
BB#126 Hector Cartagena
BB#127 Patrick Johnston
BB#128 Zurriane Bennett
BB#131 Mauricio Alvarez
BB#132 Scott Bernitt
BB#133 Carol Mitchell
BB#134 Noah Mitchell
BB#135 Gabriel Pagan
BB#136 Carlos Abreu
BB#138 Alberto Flores
BB#139 Fritz Jacobs
BB#140 Kenneth Roberts
BB#141 Richard Mullarkey
BB#143 Hazel Seda
BB#144 Kris Chantrasuk
BB#145 Jerry Rodriquez
BB#146 Jose Maduro
BB#147 Ted Blatt
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